Sunday, September 21, 2014

Pathways Leaders Visit Ghana MTC

What does a returned missionary do after his/her mission?  A well-kept secret, unintentionally, is a program called "Pathways."  This past week, Pathway leaders Gene Hayes and Corey Christensen visited Ghana in an effort to expand the reach of this incredible opportunity.

Pathways was designed to give students the confidence and skills needed to succeed in their lives.  It is a one-year educational program, coordinated entirely in English.  Since this is the language of business, its students' academic and professional prowess are enhanced.  It blends only U.S. college courses with weekly, in-personal academic gatherings.  Upon successful completion of the program its students have one year of college credit from an accredited University and have specialized in business, web design or information science.

This program started in 2009 with just three locations to an out reach program of oever 120 sites of which 49 are outside of the United States.“This program resembles the hope and excitement the gospel of Jesus Christ brings to people, regardless of their cultural mores, native language, or the alphabet they might use,” said Gene Hayes, International Pathway director. “Whether we bless 15 or thousands, we are changing lives.”

The primary objective of Pathway is to “get the gospel down into students’ hearts.”  Program facilitators accomplish this through weekly gatherings, fellowship of other participating Church members, and courses taught within the framework of the gospel. Although Pathway is an educational opportunity, its participants  grow spiritually and socially as well. And it’s not pnly the students who benefit from Pathway: institute instructors, family members, local priesthood leaders and Pathway missionaries are impacted as well.

Opportunities for Pathways in Africa are unlimited.  This is the fastest growing area of the Church in convert baptisms brought about by a tremendous surge in the number of missionaries called to labor in this area.  Pathways gives these missionaries as well as new converts in this age group a viable opportunity to serve as a spring board in their personal lives to greater success.

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