Friday, September 5, 2014

What is your Ghanian name for the day of the week you were born?

Ghanaian names are based on ethnic groups including Ga, Akan and Ewe  names. Most of them base the given name (first names) they give to their newly born children on the day of the week on which the child has been born with the family name  (surname). The Akan and Ewe people of Ghana frequently name their children after the day of the week they were born and the order in which they were born. These names have spread throughout Ghana as follows:


  •  Monday: Kojo, Kwadwo, Jojo, Joojo, Cudjoe, Kudjoe, Kodzo
  • Tuesday: Kwabena, Ebo, Komla, Kobena, Kobina, Kobby,
  • Wednesday: Kwaku, Kweku, Kwiku, Korku
  •  Thursday: Yaw, Ekow, Yao, Yokow
  • Friday:  Kofi, Fiifi, Yoofi
  • Saturday: Kwame, Ato, Atoapem, Kwamena, Komi,Kwami
  • Sunday: Kwasi, Akwasi, Kwesi


  • Monday: Adwoa, Adzo, Ajoba, Ejo, Adjoa, Awuradjoa, Awuradwoa
  • Tuesday: Abenaa, Abla, Araba, Abina, Abra
  • Wednesday: Akua, Akuba, Ekuwa, Kukuwa, Aku
  • Thursday: Yaa, Aba, Ayewa, Yaaba, Yaayaa, Awo, Yawo, Baaba
  • Friday: Afua, Afi, Afia, Efie, Efua
  • Saturday: Ama, Amma, Foowa, Ami, Awurama
  • Sunday: Akosua, Esi, Kisi

Characteristics of each day

  • Monday's child is the father or mother in the family; nurturing in nature, dependable and organized, and protective of his/her family.
  • Tuesday's child is the problem solver and planner of the family. They are structured in nature, neutral in all matters and never take sides.
  • Wednesday's child is fully in control of every situation, does not want to be told what to do, knows it all, is spontaneous, vibrant and cordial.
  • Thursday's child is quiet in nature and incredibly observant. They are generally listeners, not talkers, and analyzes situations very well.
  • Friday's child is a leader, not a follower. He/she is very temperamental but has a big heart. Generally the instigator of everything.
  • Saturday's child likes to take control of family situations. He/she runs the show and make the rules, but will go out of his/her way for others any time.
  • Sunday's child is the general leader, sensitive to family situations and warm member of the family. He/she tends to be shy and likes to keep to his/her self, but is very aware of his/her surroundings and usually is the secret keeper of the family.
So what is your name.  I was born on a Tuesday.  So was Brother Eguko.  We are therefore: Kobina
Sister Robison was born on a Wednesday.  Her name is Akua.

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