Saturday, November 29, 2014

Temple Challenge Reaches Ghana MTC

Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles invited all of the youth of the Church to participate in a global temple challenge, which he issued during his devotional talk held in conjunction with the RootsTech Family History Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, on Feb. 8, 2014.

“I want to challenge each of you to set a personal goal to help prepare as many names for the temple as baptisms you perform in the temple,” the apostle said. He added, “There is something powerful in searching out someone who needs temple ordinances, learning who they are and then being part of their receiving these sacred ordinances.”

Youth from around the world have accepted the invitation and are sharing their experience with friends and family on social media. Through using the online search term #TempleChallenge, anyone can follow the faithful young men and young women as they share their experiences. has published some examples of youth participating in family history work and taking their own names to the temple. (Church News Article, November 29, 2014) Here is our example:

As missionaries called to serve in the Ghana MTC begin their 11 day experience, they are taught about family history work by Elder and Sister Watson, assisted by Elder Malmrose and assisted in submitting family file names for work to be done in the Ghana Temple.  Since Elder Andersen's challenge, 1151 missionaries have entered the Ghana MTC through the end of October.  From those missionaries, and in addition to first time endowments for 610 of them, 2243 names were submitted to the temple for temple work, often performed by the missionaries during their visits.  Also of note were 794 sealings of which 12 were for missionaries to be sealed to their parents.

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