Friday, December 5, 2014

Today A Funeral Was Held on MTC Grounds

 Attendees at a funeral in Ghana, form a line and greet members of the family.
 The hearse arrives at the chapel with full sirens blasting as if it was a fire truck.
 Friends and family of the deceased wear black and red.  LDS men would always wear a dark suit and a red tie.
In this case, the sister who passed was 43 years old and died in an automobile accident in September.  Because Festivals are held in the Fall in Ghana, the funeral was held December 5th (today).

If the deceased is over the age of seventy, then those attending the funeral wear white.  Rather than a cause for sadness, it is seen as a joyous occasion. The white also, in some cultures, represents resurrection and victory over death.

To pass at the young age of 43 is not normal, so red and black are worn.  According to Ghanaian customs and traditions: The Red cloth is often worn by close relatives to show how deeply they feel about the loss of their loved one.

The Black cloth is worn by distant relatives and well-wishers who come to mourn with the family.

According to American customs and Western traditions, black dress is the appropriate color to depict mourning, remembrance, and the painful closure affected through the funeral rites. To wear white, or any other bright color, is viewed as a sign of disrespect to the deceased and the family.

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