Monday, August 24, 2015

Reminders of What To Bring to the Ghana MTC

Bring your immunization record and yellow fever card: 

You must have a yellow fever card to enter the country.  "We need a copy of the list of their immunization dates - here's the ones we check at the MTC: Yellow Fever (they need the original card), Meningococcus, Tetanus, Polio, and Hepatitis B (3 vaccines). I like to double check these for each American elder. Thank you! We have 40 Americans coming in the next group (double the amount we've ever had) - and it takes time to track down missing vaccine dates. We want can't wait to meet the next group - we love your missionaries." (Sister Robison)

Bring a name to perform work in the Temple:

"Our son's call came in the mail back in June and listed in the items to bring was the name of an ancestor to take to the temple. My husbands side has been done back really far and he has experts that work on it leaving none for us😉. Anyway we wanted our elder to have a name to take and my side has been stuck for 100 years at great great grandparents that came over from the old Czechoslovakia. What to do... Never been good at family history in English much less in Czech😁 so we prayed for some help and prayed some more. A miracle happened...a relative (non member )from the other side of the country contacted my dad and said they had recently took a trip to Czechoslovakia and found some info about our ancestors. Long story short It took some deciphering and some work but I just printed off a temple ordinance page with 25 ordinances that need to be done from baptisms to endowments. How wonderful it is that a loving Heavenly Father loves and cares for each of us so individually that he opened up this opportunity for our seemingly small insignificant family. How I love this beautiful gospel and eternal families. Miracles are real and the spirit of Elijah is powerful."  (Sister Daina Jindra Walch)

Consider bringing extra white shirts: 

We have had missionaries in the past two groups wanting to send things home because they overpacked.  Please think through this carefully.  One possibility is to ask member of your ward to help you gather some extra short-sleeved white shirts and send your son with two suitcases and a carryon suitcase - one with white shirts to leave behind and the other to carry his personal belongings.  Many local missions come to the MTC with very damaged suitcases.  If you sent a used suitcase that could be left behind, it would be put to good use.

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