Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Luggage Issue

The issue of how much luggage to bring is a puzzling one.  Letters from the mission presidents suggest bringing items that some find hard to fit into one suitcase and a carryon especially if you have heard that is it nice to bring additional items to Africa such as snacks to share and things like insect repellant and sunscreen.

On the FaceBook page "Elders in Ghana" the opinions vary dramatically.

Here is part of a note received from the Mission President in Kumasi today:

When our missionaries arrived today, they asked about being reimbursed for the fees that they had to pay for the overweight on the luggage.  They had pooled all of their funds and paid the amount which they had understood was to be reimbursed by the MTC.  Could you let me know how that is done? Do we pay them and have the MTC send us the money or what is the normal procedure?  The last group (our first group) did not have this question for some reason.

After the discussion about the luggage last week, we are sending the information to the new missionaries that they should come with the one suitcase and that it should not be more than the 20 kg or 23 kg that allowed for the domestic flights.  I am sure there will be some questions from families about that, but they certainly do not need all that they bring (one recently departing elder reported that when he came he brought 10 cans of mosquito repellant and 5-6 containers of sunscreen.) That is indicative of the excess.  
President Michael L. Cosgrave
Ghana Kumasi Mission

Bottomline:  We encourage you to bring what the mission president suggests in his letter.  Whether you choose to bring more than one suitcase is your decision and you will not be looked upon any differently regardless of what you decide.

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