Thursday, October 15, 2015

Meet Elder Emmanuel Opolot from Uganda

Emmanuel Opolot was born May 25, 1990 in Amuria, Uganda.  Before he was born his father died and when he was 13 his mother died.  The man she had married felt a connection to the children they had brought into this world together, but not to Emmanuel.  So he kicked Emmanuel out on the street to fend for himself. 

At the time they were living in the costal village of Jinja.  For four long years, Emmanuel was homeless and foraged for food and shelter.  He would run errands for people and carry passengers from boats to the shore on his back to earn money.  By the age of 17, he had saved enough money to go to Primary school and to rent a small apartment. Of course at that age he was head and shoulders taller than all the students, but he wanted education.  At the age of 18 he finished primary school but did not have enough money to attend high school, so once again he went back to work carrying people on his shoulders.  Soon he was able to go to high school and during his 3rd year saw the missionaries, called out to them, and was taught the lessons.  He loved the message that he heard.  He said that no longer was he lonely or sad and now he had a family - his ward members.  He finished high school and a friend gave him the opportunity to learn a trade in electrical engineering where he earned a certificate. 

Elder Emmanuel Opolot from Uganda, Called to Serve in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission

He was so grateful for this turn of events in his life that he wanted to pay the Lord back and so decided to serve a mission.  (He is 24 years old). Now his dream is to fulfill a honorable mission, return home and get married and raise a family.  

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