Friday, October 23, 2015

What if you walk around the block at the MTC?

On March 15, 2001, a ground-breaking ceremony was held in Tema, Ghana for the long awaited construction of the Ghana MTC.  It was dedicated on May 17, 2002 by the Area President, Elder Bruce Stucki.  Because the process for getting approval to build the MTC next to the temple was long and difficult, it was decided that the MTC would be constructed in a plaintain grove on Church-owned property adjacent to the Ward chapel in Tema.  This was 35 kilometers from the temple, but the city is the closest to the center of the earth (where longitude crosses the equator.

Here is the block upon which the Ghana MTC is located:

Every wonder what is beyond those walls with the electric fence surrounding the MTC?

You might say that the MTC is located on a block in Tema dedicated to religious learning by a wide variety of religions.

First, directly behind the MTC is a missionary training program for a Christian Religion:

New Central Missionary Church is written on the sign
New Central Missionary Church Training School

Next you see the Anglican School Academy:

As you turn the corner, there is a Rabbi training hostel on the left:

Next we come to the Baptist School

Finally you can spot the Ghana MTC for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:

When one visits Palmyra, New York there is are 4 Church buildings  represented by the various religions on each of corners in the intersection.  This is not too unlike the Ghana MTC, which finds inself on a city block surrounded by religious training programs.

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