Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas from the Robisons

South Africa 2015

Dear Friends,

Once again we tap the resource of social media to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.  We have received our release letter effective January 18, 2016, but have two more groups to train before we return home to our family.

This year has been a joyful one of blessings and individual growth.  We are so grateful to our Lord and Savior for His life and sacrifice for each one of us.

As we have reflected over our love for the Savior this season, Diane has captured  the Spirit of the Season in her second annual Christmas illustration "Joy is Born."

Our greatest joy comes from our family.  Here is a snap shot view of their lives in 2015:

Staleys:  Tessa, Julia, Jack, Joelle, John, Grace and Rachel

Robisons:  Justin, Lisa, Henry, Emily, Dallin, Amanda and James

Moyers:  Bauer, Cohen, Jenny, Jason, Taylor, Cooper and Mason

Robisons:  Sylie, Olivia, Jeremy, Karenin and JJ

Jamie: center
Our joy this past year also comes from our missionaries.  Miracles surround them.  Miracles have brought them here to the MTC and miracles await them in the mission field.  We are better people for having known each of them and we have been uplifted by their Spirits.

This photo is representative of one of the 50 groups we have trained since coming to the MTC.  Seated with us are the MTC Senior couple (Malmroses), former MTC President and current Ghana Temple President Couple (Grahams), the Robisons, and our counselors the Obengs and Acquayes.

During a brief breaks while the MTC was closed, we visited South Africa and Zimbabwe (July) and France (December).

While in France, we thought about how much we love living the French lifestyle - lots of walking in beautiful places - focus on people, and great, healthy, fresh food. They have long meals with lots of conversation. Now we need to figure out how to bring the things we love into our lives.  But most of all - we need to keep the highest focus on our Savior. Though him we find real happiness. And He’s given us the way to Him - and it is through the covenants and ordinances of His restored church. He has given us the exact pathway to happiness. So most of all - our time should be about reviewing and realigning ourselves with the covenants we have already made.

Forty-five years ago, I met and taught the Geslins and Cruezils in Rosny-sous Bois.  Ever since that time our families have stayed in touch - their children with our children and their grandchildren with our grandchildren.  Just last Sunday we met with this wonderful group of friends and rejoiced in the love that is felt by keeping connections such as these alive - all because of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

One picture says it all:

As we look forward to 2016, we are grateful that our oldest grandchild, Julia, has submitted her mission papers.  She will likely leave on her mission in May.

We also look forward to the dedication of the Provo City Center Temple.

And of course the Paris, France Temple:

So we enter 2016, full of high hopes, dreams and the desire to keep the highest focus on our Savior. Though him we find real happiness.  May the Joy that He brings shine upon you this Christmas season and always.

With love,

Reid and Diane Robison

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