Sister Robison, President Robison and Elder Barr |
Meet Elder Ryan Michael Barr from Rexburg, Idaho. He recently moved from Alamosa, Colorado where he was mentored from one of our West Indies Mission Assistants Elder Spencer McDaniel. Spencer was his priests quorum advisor and became a very close friend. He will always remember seeing Elder McDaniel's photos from his mission, especially with the beautiful children of Guyana.
Elder Brooks and President Robison |
Here is Elder Brooks. As he sat in the dental chair in Mesa, Arizona, his bishop told him that he had served as a young missionary with me in Paris France. Bill Woods was also a mission president in Louisiana.
Elder Malmrose and Elder Nelson |
Elder Nelson is from Covington, Washington, not far from the Malmroses' hometown of Sequim. Recently Elder Nelson was in Sequim because he loves to travel around Washington.